I was never one of those that enjoyed being pregnant which is one of the reasons why we pursued adopting. This pregnancy however, was the worst by far. At nine weeks I started to get morning sickness that of course lasted all day. By the end of the pregnancy I had such bad acid reflex that I was throwing up several times a day. At one point I even threw up in my sleep. I had lost the feeling in my fingers by the 7th month (still waiting for that to return). I was swollen and VERY uncomfortable for the last 6 to 8 weeks. I was going to the doctor 2x a week. At 38 weeks they told me that the baby had flipped and I was going to need a C-Section. With my boys I was induced at 41 weeks. Needless to say I did not want a C-Section! At 39 weeks and 1 day my water broke. They did a quick ultrasound to check on the baby and she had flipped again! Yeah, a natural birth. Julianna Lisa was born 12 hours later. We are so in love!
4th of July
The Baby Shower
Polina and her cousin Charlotte
Julianna Lisa