Friday, February 17, 2012

Planning to Blog...

I was planning to get the kids to bed tonight and spend time writing a blog post.  About 8pm I gave the dog a bath and when she was done, she loves to run around the house in circles.  Well Princess P just happen to walk right into "DD" and Brandy just took her out!  Poor baby.  She got knocked off her feet and hit her little head.  We thought it was a good idea to make sure everything was okay before we put her to bed for the night.  So we went to urgent care and had her checked out.  She's fine but look at this cute picture I took.


  1. Please do not scare me like that! I could not believe she was in the hospital. We were where our phone did not always have service tonight, however there was no voice-mail from you. I'm glad she is OK.
