Tuesday, July 26, 2011

So we got the call!

I'm sitting at work on a conference call when I see AACs number pop up on my phone.  My first thought was “could this be the call?”  How could it be, I was not expecting to hear something for months but my agency always emails she doesn’t call.  I could not get off that conference call fast enough.  When I called AAC Lindsay told me all about our little girl.  I think my body temp went up like 50 degrees!  You know to this point we were just going through the motions but when you get "the call" it all becomes very real, this is really happening!!  We got her information in the mail the next day and watched the video over and over again.  She looked perfect.  I have read countless blogs and I always think, “how can they possibly fall in love with a picture?”  But you really can.  When watching the video all I wanted to do was grab her and hold her. 

After talking with 2 IA doctors we are feeling really good about her health and we are ready to go see her.  Joe whom to this point has not been that involved in the process, said to me this morning that he is really excited to go see her and how he was looking forward to having a little girl in our family.  I’m sitting her smiling as I write this, patiently waiting for travel dates which I hope will be in August. 


  1. Yay, Yay, Yay, congratulations. Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Congratulations!!!! Russia in August = HOT! Remember there is no air conditioning in most places so be prepared!!!

  3. Yeah!!!! Oh my gosh I'm so excited for you!!! Can wait to hear about your trips!! What region did you end up going with? Congratulations!!!

  4. This is SO AMAZING! I am so happy for you guys!

  5. So happy for you guys!! It is gonna be so much fun buying little girl stuff:)
    love ya guys!!!!!
    Jen Moss

  6. What a great feeling! Good for you. I'm so proud of you that you finally decided to take the plunge. Now that it's happening, I'm sure you can look back and know that deep down it's what you wanted all along despite all the obstacles and worrying.

  7. Congrats!!! Soo excited for you! Hope you get dates..FAST!! =)

  8. Congrats I hope you get travel dates soon.What region did you end up in?
    I can't wait to hear more on you journey.
